The Piromsuk's had a great weekend celebrating the 4th of July and Paige's 3rd birthday. On the 4th, we went to a new place called East Coast Pizza for dinner (pretty good) and hit Walmart Super Center for a few groceries and miscellaneous items. We came home and took showers, put on jammies and waited until 9pm to leave to the mall. We parked in the mall parking lot at 9:10 and the fireworks started immediately. The kids loved it! We were in the perfect spot and the weather couldn't have been better. We hit a little traffic coming home but it was definitely worth it. The kids didn't hit their beds until 10pm. I was pretty impressed.
On Sunday, I baked a cake and we wrapped some presents and had a little family birthday celebration. We sang Happy Birthday to her and cut the cake and she wanted nothing to do with it. When I mentioned presents she went crazy. That is all she wanted the entire time. After she opened all her presents she said, "More presents?".