
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Kansas Trip

The kids and I took a road trip to Leavenworth, KS, to see Aunt Toto and cousin Savannah. We took a detour in Independence, MO, to visit with cousin Rachel and Uncle Glenn. I have posted the pictures and some videos on my Shutterfly site:

Also, I created a recipe page on my hobby site so that we can share all our favorite recipes. Take a look:

Let me know what you think!

Famous Lines of Shane

I just had to post a few more cute lines that Shane has said in the past few days that has made me giggle. Last Saturday, we went to Sheridan's Frozen Custard and we saw a girl with crutches walking across the parking lot. Shane said, "Mommy, she is walking with sticks". We had to explain to him the reason she had to use the "sticks". The girl and her father just smiled when they heard Shane.

This morning we were eating cereal and Shane let out a big yawn. He said, "I am a tired kid". I thought that was so cute. He just amazes me everyday!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Best Wedding Entrance Ever!

This is just too cool - love it! Take a ponder!

Cute line from Shane!

Yesterday, in the car, I was listing off all the places I needed to go run errands. After pausing for a second he said, "Are we going to drive around the whole earth?" I thought that was just too cute. He is a homebody and does not like to run too many errands!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Awesome Shot...

I decided to pull out my telephoto lens yesterday and get some close up pics of the birds eating from our bird feeder. I couldn't belive it when I got some shots of a mommy bird feeding a baby bird. Here is one of the better ones. I will upload the rest on Shutterfly. Let me know what you think! You can leave comments on here or the Shutterfly share site.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Field Trip to Chuck E Cheese

Yesterday, I decided to take the kiddies over to Chuck E Cheese since it was rainy and we had tons of tokens left to use. We got there and they were just so giddy! We played ski ball first and I noticed Shane uses his left hand. He did try his right and was not successful. Paige was a little to small to throw it so I just helped her. We actually scored one ball in the 5000 ring.

I saw that their was a picture taker machine that sketched your picture and printed it out. I made the kids do this with me. Shane was not cooperative the first time so I told him no tokens until he smiles nicely. He cooperated.
Another favorite was the race horse. Paige rode on it several times and Shane only once. They were also loving the air hockey table. They played each other and had a blast. That might just have to be a new game for the basement - if it ever gets finished!

When we got home we were pooped. I can't believe how that place can wear you out!


Well, I finally finished the Twilight books and they were absolutely fabulous. The last one was quite long but it was a great ending to the series. Of course, I am very excited to see what the next movie will be can't come out soon enough!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Paige's Crazy Elmo

Well, we decided to get Elmo Live for Paige since she always drooled over it when she saw it. It tells stories and jokes, sings songs and dances. Paige gets the biggest kick out of knocking it over and holding its mouth open when he tries to talk. Hopefully, she will give him a chance. Shane just likes taking it away from her. Anyway, I did get a few cute pictures of her with her new friend!

Great 4th Weekend!!!

The Piromsuk's had a great weekend celebrating the 4th of July and Paige's 3rd birthday. On the 4th, we went to a new place called East Coast Pizza for dinner (pretty good) and hit Walmart Super Center for a few groceries and miscellaneous items. We came home and took showers, put on jammies and waited until 9pm to leave to the mall. We parked in the mall parking lot at 9:10 and the fireworks started immediately. The kids loved it! We were in the perfect spot and the weather couldn't have been better. We hit a little traffic coming home but it was definitely worth it. The kids didn't hit their beds until 10pm. I was pretty impressed.

On Sunday, I baked a cake and we wrapped some presents and had a little family birthday celebration. We sang Happy Birthday to her and cut the cake and she wanted nothing to do with it. When I mentioned presents she went crazy. That is all she wanted the entire time. After she opened all her presents she said, "More presents?".