
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Photos by Jeanette

Jeanette took my camera and got some really good shots of the kids and the doggies.  I had to share because they are just toooooo cute!


Another project finished…

I am working on my third project right now (blanket) but I finally finished Eddie’s scarf.  It took me a long time because I used a thick tweed yarn and knitted a very tight basket weave.  I know I made plenty of mistakes but I think it looks pretty good.  Eddie was very impressed and said he will wear it this winter.  We will see!IMG_5846


My Baby Birds

Well, I have had a long journey with a little bird family living in my hanging ivy plant on the front porch.  About 1 week after I got the plant I went to water it.  To my surprise there was a perfect little nest with 4 little light blue eggs.  I immediately put the plant back and watered my other hanging plant.  I kept my eye on the babies and took as many pictures as I could.  I checked the plant about 5 days after seeing the eggs and saw this little we tiny bird with its mouth open.  It kind of freaked me out so I didn’t take any pictures.  I just put it back.  I checked again and there were 3 little fuzzy balls sleeping together.  They grew bigger and bigger and 2 days ago the last one flew away.  When I went to remove the nest and try to save my plant there was still one egg in the nest.  I guess it didn’t make it :(  Here are the pictures:

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The next time I went to water my other hanging plant I noticed another perfect nest with 5 little blue eggs.  I was amazed that both of my plants were being used for raising baby birds.  I am also keeping my on that one.  The kids got a peek of the baby birds and were amazed and tickled.  What a neat opportunity.  Now I have to deal with a chipmunk living in my garage!!!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our New Pool

We decided to join Cedarmill pool this year to try something different and meet more people around our neighborhood.  We pay a yearly due and actually own a share of the pool - all the members help take care of the pool.  There are lounge chairs, tables, and even grills to use.  There is a concession stand but it isn’t open all the time – only when there is someone to run it.

Shane and Paige absolutely love it there.  I caught a few pictures of Shane showing off in the pool.  He sure loves to swim!  Paige is still a little scared of the water is in major need of swimming lessons.

Putt Putt

It is time to catch up again.  We hit the mini golf course a few weeks ago because Shane’s nagging wouldn’t stop until we did.  We went out to lunch at Indigo Joe’s and hit the course by noon on Sunday, May 23.  It was unbearably hot but we weren’t getting out of it (close to 90).

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Shane and Paige were so excited to get started.  Shane had a hard time holding the club but improvised quite well.  Paige picked it up very quickly.  She held the club correctly and stood on the correct side of the ball.  We were very impressed!!!

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We didn’t keep score but I think I did pretty darn well.  Shane was the only one that made a hole in one.  He was extremely proud of himself.  I brought several bottles of water but they were finished by the end of the game.  Paige barely made it to the end of the game.  Both of them were overheated when we got home.  Paige cooled down but Shane kept complaining of a headache.  Poor guy ended up throwing up then sleeping for 13 hours that night.  He was fine the next morning but now I am very careful about his time in the heat.  He takes after his mommy.DSC01939